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Role of Alcohol Abuse in Career Decisionmaking Readiness Among High School Students

NCJ Number
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education Volume: 36 Issue: 3 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 54-62
J E Pendorf
Date Published
9 pages
The study examines the relationship between different levels of alcohol use and career decisionmaking readiness among high school students in rural Pennsylvania.
Male and female students in grades 10 and 12 in rural Pennsylvania participated in the study. All the students were told that the study was interested in their experiences with different types of substances used by adolescents and adults and their outlook on their own careers. The tables show the comparison of grade level to career decisionmaking per light, moderate, and heavy beer; wine; and hard liquor drinking categories. The results show that students who are heavy users of alcohol score higher on their readiness to make career decisions as opposed to the expected opposite results. Students in both grades were equally prepared to make career decisions and no gender differences were found in career decidedness in either grade level. The article concludes with some discussion on the possible explanations for this result and suggestions for future research. 4 tables and 31 references (Author abstract modified)


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