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Rockford Police Department 1993 Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
This 1993 annual report of the Rockford Police Department (Illinois) provides crime and performance statistics as well as information on various law enforcement programs.
Data on reported offenses show that the overall Part I Index Crimes for 1993 increased 1.26 percent, lower than the 1.95-percent increase of 1992. Although the total number of Part I crimes increased slightly to 15,737, the police clearance rate of 24.6 percent was higher than the national average of 21 percent. Calls for service increased to 173,688, a 9.92-percent increase over the 158,006 calls recorded in 1992. There are now eight officers assigned to the Walking Patrol Beat program. These officers are establishing positive relationships with citizens and community leaders. With the resources available through grants and other monies, the department has intensified enforcement of traffic laws, particularly those related to alcohol and drugs. It has also equipped many of its patrol squads with mobile data terminals, which allow officers to access information on wanted persons and prior traffic violations when making traffic stops. The Automated Fingerprint Information System will allow officers to make better investigations through the use of the system to match fingerprints found at crime scenes. In addition to providing an organizational chart, the report provides information on the work of the Chaplains' Division, the Evidence and Property Division, fiscal services, the Records Division, recruiting, the Training Division, the Patrol Division, the Traffic Division, and the Detective Division.

Corporate Author
Rockford Police Dept

Public Safety Building, 420 West State Street, Rockford, IL 61101, United States

Sale Source
Rockford Police Dept

Public Safety Building, 420 West State Street, Rockford, IL 61101, United States

National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America