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Road to Recovery

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This video examines why there is a drug treatment gap, what can be done to remedy it, and what is already being done. The goals, benefits, and suggested features for observing National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (September) are discussed.
The narrator comments note that only a small proportion of persons addicted to drugs and alcohol receive treatment. This is due to a number of factors, including addicts' lack of knowledge about how to obtain treatment, low expectations for treatment, the lack of resources necessary to provide needed treatment, and weak community support for effective drug treatment networks. Comments by former and recovering addicts voice the benefits of drug treatment programs, and community advocates for expanded drug treatment efforts testify to the importance of treatment as a major component of a comprehensive strategy to address the drug problem. The National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month is presented in this video as a major effort to involve alcohol and other drug addicts in treatment programs, but also to enlist the support of families and community groups in the effort to provide effective treatment resources. Suggestions are offered for the month's activities, including public service announcements, programs for various community groups, and walkathons. The focus of the activities is on recruiting drug addicts into treatment and recruiting community groups and individuals into supportive efforts that are essential for successful treatment and recovery.