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Risk-Takers: Alcohol, Drugs, Sex and Youth

NCJ Number
M Plant; Plant M
Date Published
186 pages
This book provides a comprehensive view of the involvement of British youth with drinking, smoking, illicit drug use, and sexual activity with attention to evidence that links alcohol, drug use, "disinhibition," and risky sex.
The authors discuss these issues in relation to evidence that suggests some forms of risk-taking are interconnected. Although some youth are prone to take risks due to their poverty and social disadvantage, the authors emphasize that risk-taking is common adolescent behavior that is difficult to restrain or curb. They conclude that past attempts to reduce youthful alcohol and drug misuse have yielded disappointing results; they also indicate that most youth have not modified their sexual behavior in the face of the risks of AIDS. The authors argue that because risk-taking and experimentation is inherent in adolescent behavior, mass media campaigns and bland slogans are not likely to prevent such adolescent behavior. In fact, no effort is likely to make a significant impact on adolescent risk-taking behavior. The authors suggest the goal of "harm minimization" as the most realistic approach for mitigating the effects of youthful risk- taking behavior. Such an approach features health education based in factual accuracy that will impress young people with the potential consequences of intemperate drug use and sexual behavior. 10 figures, 21 tables, 550-item bibliography, and name and subject indexes