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Risk Assessment in Iowa

NCJ Number
D R Fischer
Date Published
18 pages
This paper describes a screening system developed to help determine which charged offenders or convicted offenders in Iowa pose the greatest risk of recidivism or violence if released.
The Offender Risk Assessment Scoring System was developed from data on 6,337 Iowa offenders. It uses information on an offender's background and current circumstances to determine the risk presented by release. Each offender is rated on the probability and potential seriousness of new criminal acts in general and on the probability of new violent acts. The assessment uses such objective characteristics as the number of prior adult convictions, the history of narcotics use, the marital status, and the jail time on current sentence. No subjective judgments are required. After the system was developed, it was used on a sample of 9,387 Iowa offenders to demonstrate its validity. It is estimated that the use of risk assessment in the sentencing process could reduce prison commitments by 25 percent without further endangering the community. It would also reduce probation violations by 15 percent. Judges and parole boards would not have to make major changes in their policies to use the risk assessment system. In addition, the system would negate the need to construct a new State prison. It is recommended that the system be used as an input to the decision process rather than as a rigid formula for decisionmaking. Data tables are included.