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Rights of Law Enforcement Officers, 1990

NCJ Number
W Aitchison
Date Published
388 pages
Based on legal case studies, this book provides an update of the rights of law enforcement officers in various States.
This 1990 edition, in addition to including references to more than 200 new cases decided in the last 2 years, provides extensive discussion of the new rules on drug testing, the evolving standards that govern the legality of affirmative action plans in police agencies, and developments under the "contract clause" of the Constitution. In discussing the rights of law enforcement officers in collective bargaining, topics covered include the exclusion of police officers from collective bargaining law, subjects that are mandatorily negotiable, the duty of a labor organization to represent its members fairly, the right to strike, and the right not to join a union. Other chapters cover police disciplinary standards, procedural rights in the disciplinary process, officer bills of rights, officers' right to privacy, freedom-of-speech rights, freedom-of-association rights, the right to engage in political activities, and the right of officers to bring civil lawsuits. Other topics covered are the Fair Labor Standards Act, employment discrimination, and the right to a safe working environment. Chapter notes, table of cases, subject index.


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