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Rights of Jailed Drug Addicts and the Treatments in the Euregio Maas-Rhine

NCJ Number
G Kellens; K Hammerich; G de Jonge
Date Published
83 pages
This research report examined the legal, medical, psychological, and social situation of addicted inmates in the Netherlands, the Rhineland-Westphalia region of Germany, and the French speaking areas of Belgium.
The results are based on a study of relevant documents, interviews, and questionnaires. An inventory of addicted inmates became difficult because of inaccurate records and because of differing definitions of the term "jailed drug addict" in the three countries. Yet both Belgian and German statistics show that one- third to two-thirds of all inmates are drug dependent as a result of a strong increase in the past few years. Despite differing legal systems, the three countries treat drug possession inside the prison as a disciplinary offense which counts against the prisoner in leave or release considerations. No uniform rules for the treatment of addicted inmates exist in the three countries. In the Netherlands, decisions on dispensing methadone and treatment are made on a case by case basis while in Germany treatment is initiated by social workers. However, presently all three countries need better personnel training for drug treatment. Ultimately, the neighboring countries may adopt the Dutch approach to the drug problems in the prisons: Cease the war against drugs, but keep the problem under control and reduce harm.

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Also in Dutch