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Rewards for Terrorism Information Publicized

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 58 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 44-45
C M Dittmer
Date Published
2 pages
The Diplomatic Security Service's Terrorism Information Rewards program provides rewards for credible information on past, present, and planned terrorist attacks against U.S. interests abroad.
Signed into law in September 1984, the program initially offered rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of those persons responsible for specific terrorist attacks. In December 1988, the State Department announced the expansion of the rewards program to include payment for information leading to the "prevention, frustration or favorable resolution of terrorist acts against U.S. persons or properties overseas." At the same time, the reward ceiling was raised to $500,000. After the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, Congress raised the maximum reward to $2 million. A key element of the program is its publicity campaign. This has included a series of public service announcements for television and radio by actors Charlton Heston, Charles Bronson, and Charlie Sheen. These spots have been produced for worldwide distribution in English, Arabic, Spanish, French, German, and Greek. Posters publicizing the rewards program have also been produced for exhibit at airports and other public places around the world. A special post office box has been established for those who wish to provide information by mail. Information received under the program thus far has led to the prevention of possible future terrorist attacks.