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Review of the Use of Therapeutic Communities With Sexual Offenders

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 54 Issue: 5 Dated: October 2010 Pages: 721-742
Jayson Ware; Andrew Frost; Anna Hoy
Date Published
October 2010
22 pages
This article examines the use of therapeutic communities in the treatment of sex offenders.
Sexual offender treatment programs are often facilitated in secure settings such as prisons or psychiatric hospitals, which are not ideal environments for such treatment. Arguably, however, when these environments are structured as therapeutic communities (TCs), opportunities are created to enhance the effectiveness of treatment. This article describes the concept of a TC, its operating principles and rationale, as well as the benefits and rationale for establishing TCs in conjunction with cognitivebehavioral treatment with sexual offenders. This is discussed in terms of the potential of TCs to improve targeting of treatment content, to enhance treatment process, to provide optimal environments for therapeutic gain, and to provide a broad therapeutic framework for treating sexual offenders. The article reviews and summarizes what evidence exists for the use of TCs with both non-sexual offenders and sexual offenders. Finally, it highlights the gaps in our knowledge of the use of TCs to inspire further empirical and conceptual consideration of these issues. References (Published Abstract)