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Review and Assessment of Recent Social and Self-Study Correctional Education Programs (From Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Correctional Education Association Conference, P 8-19, 1981 - See NCJ-85125)

NCJ Number
D R Cygnar
Date Published
12 pages
Inmate academic education with a cognitive-developmental approach that meets certain standards has improved the attitudes and behavior of certain offenders.
The types of courses that have proven to be especially helpful in inmate attitude and behavioral change are critical thinking, reading, historical subjects, philosophy, family and group sociology, educational psychology, and self-evaluation. Programs demonstrating success have the following common characteristics: (1) modern, innovative teaching methods appropriate to the population served; (2) a well-developed student personnel service; (3) a positive, nonrepressive learning environment; (4) an evolving curriculum sensitive to relevancy; (5) staff concern and support for the student that goes beyond mere program completion; (6) assessment of the characteristics of incoming students; and (7) emphasis on improvement of cognitive skills, personal development, social understanding, and skill acquisition. Evaluative research indicates that recidivism can be reduced to about one-fourth of the normal rates when the techniques used meet all the minimum requirements for program success. Twenty-three references are listed.