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Retrospective Study on the Relationship of Delinquent History in Junior High School to Later School and Employment Careers

NCJ Number
Reports of the National Research Institute of Police Science Volume: 33 Issue: 1 Dated: (July 1992) Pages: 1-13
Y Harada
Date Published
13 pages
This study examined the nature of the relationship between criminal careers of Japanese youths while in junior high school and their subsequent educational and occupational careers.
Data were obtained through a survey of 518 male juveniles arrested by the police in October through December 1991. None of the juveniles were enrolled in school full time when they were arrested. Data on subjects' past police contacts were obtained by searching police records. Findings indicate that more than 90 percent of the subjects were at the level of education of high-school dropout or below. Among the subjects who had worked since leaving school, the proportion who had worked at small construction firms was much higher than among employed youth in general. Contacts with the police during junior high school were strongly related to school grades. Although family backgrounds were also related to police contacts, their direct influence was weaker than that of school grades. The study concludes that contacts with police during junior high school were strongly related to the subjects' subsequent educational and occupational careers. This correlation persisted even after controlling for the impact of school grades. (Author abstract modified)


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