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Rethinking School Safety: The Report of the Chancellor's Advisory Panel on School Safety

NCJ Number
J Travis; G W Lynch; E Schall
Date Published
84 pages
This report of the New York City Advisory Panel on School Safety reviews the Board of Education's approach to school safety and offers recommendations for improvement.
The Panel offers three broad recommendations. First, it recommends the integration of the philosophies of community policing and school-based management, two major innovations in urban service delivery, into a new, school-based, strategic planning process for the city's schools. This new approach envisions the involvement of a broad spectrum of individuals and groups, including principals, teachers, students, parents, school safety personnel, police representatives, youth leaders, and community organizations in the development of new safety strategies. Second, the Panel recommends the eventual transformation of the central Division of School Safety, which is now responsible for managing nearly 3,000 School Safety Officers, into a new entity that would be responsible for developing new safety programs, evaluating existing strategies, upgrading the level of School Safety Officers and Supervisors, and providing technical and crisis support for individual schools. In conjunction with this transformation, the Panel also recommends the integration of school safety personnel into the administrative structure of the school system at the district, borough, and school levels. Finally, the Panel proposes immediate implementation of a pilot program to design new safety strategies at three schools beginning this spring, with replication at nine schools next fall, and development of a multiyear implementation plan for the entire school system next year. Appended list of individuals who met with Panel members and a 7-item bibliography

Corporate Author
New York City Advisory Panel on School Safety

New York, NY, United States

Sale Source
New York City Advisory Panel on School Safety

New York, NY, United States

Publication Type
Legislative Hearing/Committee Report
United States of America