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The Results Are In: Automatic License Plate Reader Technology Leads to Success

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2010
3 pages
This article presents the results of a survey on the success of the Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conducted a survey in 2010 on the success of the Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology used by law enforcement agencies across the United States. The license plate reader system captures and retains images of vehicles and their license plates and the time, date and location they were observed. Survey results of 261 responding agencies documented some of the pros and cons of the technology as well as lessoned learned. Lessons learned included: (1) assignment of an information technology (IT) person to the project from the beginning due to issues of concern, such as storage concerns and data transfer, (2) development and implementation of training in the use of ALPR, and (3) conduct research during the planning process of ALPR.