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Results of the 1979-1980 Opinion Survey of Iowa's County Sheriffs' Departments - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
19 pages
This report contains the analyzed results of a survey of county sheriffs in Iowa concerning issues thought to be important to the Iowa State Sheriffs' and Deputies' Association.
Responding to the survey were 84 of Iowa's 99 sheriffs' departments. Over three-fourths of the respondents endorsed a minimum salary program for law enforcement officers and made recommendations for base annual salaries that support higher salary levels for supervisory officers. While showing little support for improved training, sheriffs favored hiring additional personnel and improving the salary structure. Over 90 percent believed that their departmental workload has increased dramatically in recent years due to civil complaints, serving of papers, administrative matters, and paper work. Crime scene investigation and followup, jail administration, and transportation of prisoners within a jurisdiction were also cited in the workload context. The 98 percent who agree that crime has increased in recent years indicated sentencing practices of the courts, policies of correctional agencies, and general reduction in respect for moral standards as the principal reasons for this phenomenon. Respondents indicated a strong displeasure about the use of probation in the State. About 81 percent believe it is used too frequently; over half are of the same opinion concerning pretrial release. The survey questionnaire is appended.