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Restitution Programs in Seven States - Jurisdiction, Procedures, and Participants

NCJ Number
A T Harland; M Q Warren; E J Brown; M R Buckman; R A Rosen; B B Way
Date Published
167 pages
Jurisdiction, procedures, and participants are discussed for restitution programs in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, and Oregon.
The format for describing the program in each State is similar. Following a statement of the program name, the sponsoring agency is indicated. The criminal justice role, jurisdiction, workload and organization, and prior restitution experience are then considered. The program description includes start-up date, the number and responsibilities of staff, purpose classification (offenders, victims, system), goals and objectives, and procedures. The description of procedures includes such components as intake screening, loss assessment, monitoring, and termination. The appendixes of each presentation include samples of forms and regulations used in the program.