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Restitution 1985 - An Analysis of Restitution Reported Under Chapter 965 of the Laws of 1984

NCJ Number
R E Runk
Date Published
33 pages
New York State needs to establish an enhanced system for collecting data on its restitution process. The mandated reporting requirement for restitution should be the responsibility of the State's Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives.
A law revision in 1984 put the administration of the restitution process under a formal system. Local probation departments usually administer the process. The law also provides for a data collection and reporting system to promote the use of restitution and encourage its enforcement. Data for 1985, the first year after the law's enactment, indicated that 9,809 restitution orders were issued and 4,321 cases were satisfied. Nearly $11.5 million in restitution was ordered, and $2 million has been collected by the end of 1985. The data collection process meets the minimum requirements of the legislation. However, it does not include many data elements. As a result, the data do not permit conclusions about the effectiveness of the restitution process. Data tables, map, footnotes, and appendixes presenting a reporting form and the text of the law.