Since there are many state and local victim/survivor assistance agencies and organizations that provide leadership in the first response to mass violence incidents (MVIs), this "tip sheet" from the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center suggests documents and items that should be included in a "Go Kit" that victim assistance professionals (VAPs) should have pre-assembled for an immediate response in establishing an initial response center and a family assistance center, which provide services to MVI victims, survivors, and witnesses in the immediate and short-term after a MVI.
The items recommended for a "Go Kit" are based on the personal experiences of the leaders of agencies/organizations that have responded to MVIs in the past. Each victim assistance organization can add or remove items from the proposed "Go Kit" based on the type, scope, and location of the MVI to which it is responding. The items for the "Go Kit" are listed under the following descriptive categories: "Important Information," "Signage," "Technology." "Basic Office Supplies," and "Additional Supplies."