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Residents in Wisconsin Adult Correctional Facilities on December 31, 1989

NCJ Number
Date Published
53 pages
A series of tables present data on background and offenses of inmates in residence in Wisconsin's correctional institutions for adults as of December 31, 1989.
Offenders classified as new admissions accounted for 80.8 percent of the males and 89.2 percent of the females. Unarmed burglary (19.3 percent), armed robbery (9.1 percent), and first degree sexual assault (8.5 percent) were the major offenses for which males most often had been convicted and sentenced. Females most frequently were sentenced for forgery (16.4 percent), drug offenses (13.2 percent), and theft (10.0 percent). The average sentence was 10.8 years for males and 6.6 years for females. At least a moderate need for treatment of some type of mental health problem was indicated for 18.2 percent of the males and 19.6 percent of the females; 53.3 percent of the males and 62.3 percent of the females indicated at least a moderate need for some form of educational program and 76.5 percent of the males and 76.9 percent of the females for some form of vocational training program. 20 tables