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Research on Probation (From Problems, Thoughts, and Processes in Criminal Justice Administration, 1969, P 11-46, Alvin W Cohn, ed. - See NCJ-84895)

NCJ Number
D Glaser
Date Published
36 pages
The probation research reviewed covers how extensively probation should be used, the contribution of casework to probation success, the use of prescriptive probation supervision, the use of presentence work, guiding probation decisions, and new developments in probation manpower.
Research on expanded probation programs shows that they result in an overall decrease in institutionalization and corrections costs without increasing the rate of probation revocation. While some research suggests that improved casework services are responsible for increased probation success, several other studies have shown that the type of probationer more than the nature of casework has the greatest effect on probation outcome. Research on the time probation officers spend on various functions shows that the preparation of presentence investigation reports exceeds the time spent on probation supervision, which has led some offices to report success in assigning different persons to presentence investigations and probation supervision. Research has also indicated that when probation officers and services are matched to client needs, probation outcomes are improved. Research has also been helpful in identifying factors associated with the client which relate to the probability of probation success. The newest development in probation personnel involves the increased use of citizen volunteers and ex-offenders to work with professional staff. Initial research indicates this development is improving probation effectiveness. Thirty-one footnotes are listed.