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Research Paper Number 6: Statistics on the Prison and Probations Systems of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for 1991 and 1992

NCJ Number
M Danielson
Date Published
20 pages
Narrative and tabular data present information and statistics on prison and probation systems in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden for 1991 and 1992.
One table presents the average population incarcerated by category of inmate by absolute number and per 100,000 of the national population of each country for those aged 15 or older. Another table presents the annual (1991 and 1992) intake of inmates and probationers for each country in absolute numbers, followed by a table that presents the number of various categories of sentenced offenders in custody on a given day. A table with the number of direct escapes from prisons and jails (detention) presents them in absolute numbers and per 100,000 custody-days. The number of suicides in all types of prisons is presented in absolute numbers, followed by a table with the numbers of prison and probation staff in absolute numbers and in relation to numbers of inmates or probationers. The numbers of jails, open and closed prisons, and their capacity are presented in a table. The final table presents the capacity of jails and open and closed prisons in relation to the average number of inmates and the percentage of beds actually used. 8 tables