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Research Methods in Human Skeletal Biology

NCJ Number
M. K. Moore
Date Published
576 pages

This book, “Research Methods in Human Skeletal Biology,” is the one location where readers can learn not only how to conduct research in general, but how research is specifically conducted within human skeletal biology. 


It outlines the current types of research being conducted within each sub-specialty of skeletal biology, and gives the reader the tools to set up a research project in skeletal biology. It also suggests several ideas for potential projects. Each chapter has an inclusive bibliography, which can serve as a good jumpstart for project references. Its key features are 1) a step-by-step guide to conducting research in human skeletal biology; 2) diverse topics (sexing, aging, stature, and ancestry estimation) and new technologies (histology, medical imaging, and geometric morphometrics); and 3) excellent accompaniment to existing forensic anthropology or osteology works. Its readership consists of forensic professionals (i.e. physical and biological anthropologists, scientists, researchers), advanced undergraduate and post-graduate students in physical and biological anthropology, and professors/instructors teaching research methods courses. (publisher abstract modified)