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Research on Facilitators of Transnational Organized Crime: Understanding Crime Networks’ Logistical Support

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2019
24 pages

This study seeks to develop a predictive model for understanding crime network facilitation.


This study of transnational organized crime (TOC) addresses the dearth of information about transnational crime organizations (TOCFs) by seeking to develop a predictive model for identifying criminal facilitators of TOC within existing datasets and extend the available descriptive information about facilitators through analysis of pre-sentence investigation reports (PSRs). The study involved the development of a methodology for identifying TOCFs and then screening PSRs to validate the methodology and systematically collect data on facilitators and their organizations. This study focuses on criminal facilitators who help TOCFs conduct their illegal activities across national borders by providing infrastructure or logistical support and other resources and services to TOC networks. They do this by exploiting legal institutions (e.g., banks, government agencies or transportation infrastructure) to launder money, forge documents or smuggle goods, or augment otherwise legal activities with fraud or theft that aids TOC networks. They may operate exclusively within a TOC network, or may be involved in both legal and illegal business activities. The literature on TOCFs is very limited, and past work includes case studies and some empirical work done in the Netherlands.