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Research into Classification Procedures at a Youth Prison

NCJ Number
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1986) Pages: 43-52
B Hesketh; S Roache
Date Published
10 pages
This paper outlined the aims of various phases of classification and the processes underlying classification decisions made by senior staff in a youth prison.
A decision flow chart and an interview rating form were developed and completed for 68 consecutive inmates being processed through classification. Analyses made it possible to determine whether there were significant differences in the factor scores (derived from factor analyses of the Interview Rating Form) between inmates transferred and those remaining at the institution. In addition, the Young Offender Allocation Form used in Britain was completed from data contained on inmate files. Comparisons of the decisions resulting from the British Young Offender Allocation Form and the board's classification decision highlighted the possible value of a research based aid to classification in reducing the tendency to overclassify inmates (Author summary)