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Report of the Workgroup on Intravenous Drug Abuse

NCJ Number
Public Health Reports Volume: 103 Dated: Supplement N 1 (1988) Pages: 66-71
Date Published
6 pages
The proportion of AIDS cases spread through intravenous drug use is rapidly increasing through needle sharing. AIDS prevention efforts among IV drug users is complicated by the nature of drug dependence and the difficulty of reaching this population through typical public information channels.
Since the Coolfont Conference in 1986, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have coordinated their HIV prevention efforts which have included outreach projects, expanded treatment programs, and research efforts. The goals and objectives of several priority issues in this area are outlined; they include expanded and better quality treatment for IV drug abuse, alternatives to drug abuse treatment, primary health care for IV drug users, epidemiological research and surveillance, and outreach for special populations and underserved groups. 1 reference