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Report of Recommendations for Repeat Offender Program Experiment (ROPE)

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
These recommendations suggest actions, procedures, and legislation for improving Maryland's Repeat Offender Program Experiment (ROPE), which is intended to enhance the identification, apprehension, adjudication, confinement, and treatment of adult and juvenile recidivists.
Overall, the recommendations are intended to advance ROPE to its next stage of activity and further expand, promote, and develop the program. Among the recommendations are that ROPE be expanded to at least five more political jurisdictions during the next 2 years, that a program be developed to educate the public about ROPE, and that a senate-house resolution be adopted by the 1985 Maryland General Assembly requesting local jurisdictions to establish ROPE's. It is also recommended that the ROPE Subcommittee update, monitor, and research legal issues pertaining to ROPE and prepare a technical assistance manual to assist new ROPE efforts. To assist in the expansion of ROPE's to other jurisdictions, it is suggested that $150,000 be budgeted for planning and policy development. Finally, the State is urged to establish, fund, and coordinate a comprehensive ROPE case and activity data collection system that can measure and respond to questions about ROPE's effectiveness. The rationale for each of the recommendations is presented.