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Report on the National District Attorneys Association Economic Crime Project - Sixth Grant Period, April 1980 to December 1980

NCJ Number
H Edelhertz; B Hoff
Date Published
243 pages
Activities and accomplishments of the Economic Crime Project (ECP) of the National District Attorneys Association are reported for the sixth grant period (April 1980 to December 1980).
At its inception, the general objective of the ECP was to enhance the capabilities of local prosecutors to act against economic crime and related abuses. The ECP's objectives for the sixth grant period marked further consolidation of the national strategy (to combat white-collar crime) initiative into program component operations. This involved (1) transition of the national strategy initiative from planning and development to action, (2) integration of national strategy initiatives into program operations, (3) designation of and support to additional lead units and statewide councils, (4) regionalization of national strategy initiatives through the leadership of the lead units, and (5) making lead unit experiences and lessons learned available to other interested agencies. Program component activities in the sixth grant period included two unit chiefs' meetings, the continuing work of the project's task forces, the preparation of project publications, and clearinghouse and technical assistance activities. The report of the national strategy initiative consists primarily of descriptions of specific initiatives involving 15 Federal agencies and organizations. Efforts of the individual economic crime units in investigating and prosecuting economic crimes are quantitatively described. The concluding chapter presents conclusions drawn from the project's experiences in the fifth and sixth grant periods. At the time of this report's writing, there is considerable doubt about the project's future. The impending loss of LEAA support on the national and local levels threatens the continuation of channels of communication and interactions developed over many years. Appended are a description, instructions, and forms of the ECP reporting system.