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Report of the Joint Legislative Committee To Study the Problems of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1993-1994

NCJ Number
Date Published
64 pages
This 1993-94 annual report of the South Carolina Joint Legislative Committee to Study the Problems of Alcohol and Drug Abuse profiles the status of all alcohol and drug-related legislation that was proposed during the past legislative session, including bills that were passed and tabled, along with reports from various State agencies that are involved in alcohol and drug problems.
The Committee was created by Concurrent Resolution S-771 of the General Assembly, approved April 24, 1970. The creating resolution authorized the establishment of a nine-member committee to consist of three members from the Senate, three members from the House and three members appointed by the Governor. The Committee was charged with making a full and complete study of the illicit drug problems in South Carolina with a view to formulating and recommending appropriate legislative proposals for coping with alcohol and drug problems in the State. The Committee was formally organized on August 31, 1970, and was made a permanent committee on June 22, 1971. The 1993-94 legislative years have involved notable advancement in alcohol-related and drug-related legislation. A total of 141 legislative bills are briefly summarized. Seven bills were tabled. The agencies for which reports are included are the Department of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services, Department of Public Safety, Department of Corrections, Department of Mental Health, Department of Education, Department of Juvenile Justice, Vocational Rehabilitation Department, and the Law Enforcement Division.