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Report to the Governor and Chairman of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
After describing the mission, structure, and operations of Virginia's Council on Community Services for Youth and Families, this Council report to the Governor and General Assembly for winter 1991 covers preliminary findings on evaluations for the five demonstration sites, a long-range plan for community-based services, and an implementation plan for adapting the current funding system.
The Council's mission is to increase and enhance the delivery of efficient and effective services for the State's children who are in, or at risk of, out-of-home placement and for their families during the 1990's. The report on the evaluation of the five demonstration sites indicates that a complement of evaluation services has been provided by the Council to assess program and cost effectiveness. The evaluation will assess clinical and behavioral outcomes, functional levels, and satisfaction of the children and families served. Process and structural changes among the various agencies involved will be assessed to determine the degree and effectiveness of interagency collaboration. The long-range plan involves the development of parameters for an adequate complement of services, identification of the service needs of families and youth in each community, ways to adapt existing community resources to meet identified needs, an establishment of priorities for phasing in community-based services, and an interagency plan for redirecting current funds and identifying new revenue sources for community services.