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Report on Client Specific Planning - A Project of the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives - Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
9 pages
This study demonstrates that Client Specific Planning can produce creative and constructive nonincarcerative sentences.
Through Client Specific Planning, the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA) has been effective in promoting alternatives to incarceration. NCIA tailors each plan to the individual client, and an alternative sentence typically consists of several components such as community service, financial restitution, residential treatment, and outpatient counseling. However, considerable room for improvement exists in the implementation of the alternative sentences. Although several offenders had outstanding performances, the instances of no shows and unsatisfactory compliance are disturbing. NCIA must be more careful in selecting and indoctrinating supervisors of the plan components. To ensure credibility, as well as to promote more constructive sentences, plans should delineate a more effective monitoring and enforcement mechanism for those portions of the plan under the supervision of third parties. A continuing challenge is to make Client Specific Planning an established part of the criminal justice system. Footnotes and tables are provided.