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Remembering Brian

NCJ Number
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1996) Pages: 6-9
R Head
Date Published
4 pages
A mother reflects on the pain her son experienced after being bullied by his peers and on her son's decision to commit suicide at 15 years of age.
The mother characterizes her son as fun-loving, creative, affectionate, and intelligent. She notes his views about cruelty and injustice were not just philosophical, since he experienced bullying for many years. While in school, he had to deal with teasing and other verbal abuse that seemed unrelenting. His sense of self-esteem was destroyed by years of ridicule at the hands of other students who appeared to have no sense of compassion or empathy for someone who was different, someone who was overweight, wore thick glasses, and was in a special class for children with learning and behavior disorders. The son shot himself at school, apparently unable to deal with the continuous humiliation he suffered. The mother believes school officials were aware of her son's experiences but did not take adequate measures to stop the bullying. Efforts of both parents to deal with the effects of losing a son and their decision to speak out about what happened to their son are discussed. Poetry written by the son during the year prior to his suicide is included.

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United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.


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