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Release From Prison: European Policy and Practice

NCJ Number
Nicola Padfield, Dirk van Zyl Smit, Frieder Dunkel
Date Published
480 pages
This book, Release from Prison: European Policy and Practice, provides comparative information on release from prison policies across Europe and explores some of the key themes and issues associated with this topic.
The focus of this book is on the policies and practices regarding the release of sentenced prisoners in 13 European Union countries. The book aims to provide a better understanding to criminal justice practitioners and the public of both the rules and their underlying principles regarding sentenced prisoners and their release from prison. Part I of the book includes two chapters: the Introduction, which provides a basic overview of the problem and the scope of the work presented in the book; and Chapter 2: The European dimension to the release of sentenced prisoners, which examines the roles of the Council of Europe and the European Union in developing law and policy that impact the issue of release of prisoners. Part II of the book presents the perspectives of the 13 countries regarding their rules applicable to release of prisoners. These 13 countries include Austria, Belgium, England and Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Scotland, Slovenia, and Spain. Part III of the book includes the final chapter, which places the countries' accounts in a wider context and draws some overall conclusions about the processes the countries use for making decisions regarding the release of sentenced prisoners. Limitations of the book are discussed. Figures, tables, and index