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Release Characteristics and Parole Success

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Volume: 17 Issue: 1/2 Dated: (1991) Pages: 133-145
D B Anderson; R E Schumacker; S L Anderson
Date Published
13 pages
A sample of 760 adult releasees was studied for 12 months in order to determine characteristics which best predicted parole success. The sample was divided into four groups: those who had prison vocational training, academic training, or vocational and academic training and a control group of those who chose not to enroll in either type of program.
In this chi-square analysis, violation/nonviolation consisting of committing parole violations, committing new crimes, or being absent without permission was the dependent variable. This was cross-tabulated with 14 independent variables, focusing on education and vocational program involvement during incarceration. The findings showed that seeking and obtaining a job was key to parole success. Parolees who did not abuse alcohol or drugs were more successful as were parolees who were married, had participated in prison academic or vocational programs, were of a non-minority ethnic group, or were first-time offenders. 3 tables and 27 references