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On the Relationship of Past and Future Participation in Delinquency

NCJ Number
Criminology Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Dated: (May 1991) Pages: 163-189
D S Nagin; R Paternoster
Date Published
27 pages
Alternative interpretations of the positive association between past and future delinquency and criminality were examined.
A 3-wave panel set was used to distinguish two interpretations of the positive association between past and future delinquency. One interpretation is that prior participation has a genuine behavioral impact on the individual and may, for example, reduce inhibitions against engaging in delinquent activity. Such an effect is termed State dependence. A second explanation is that individuals differ in unmeasured delinquent propensity which persists over time. This second explanation is a consequence of population heterogeneity. Controlling for the possibility of unobserved heterogeneity, prior participation had a positive and significant association with future participation. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that prior participation reduces the barriers to future participation. Even with controls for inertia, the State dependent-like association persisted. The results suggest that the positive association is principally due to a State-dependent influence. 6 footnotes and 66 references (Author abstract modified)