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Relationship Between Trauma Exposure and Substance use in a Sample of College Students

NCJ Number
Journal of Trauma Practice Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Dated: 2002 Pages: 77-94
Dean Lauterbach; Scott Vrana
Steven N. Gold Ph.D., Jan Faust Ph.D.
Date Published
18 pages
This study examined the association/relationship between trauma exposure and alcohol/drug use among college students.
In earlier studies, a strong link/relationship was determined between trauma exposure, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. This study examined weaknesses in the existing literature using a sample of college students who had experienced a traumatic event. Research participants were composed of 440 undergraduate students (234 men and 206 women). The participants first completed a measure that assessed the number and types of traumatic events experienced. Then, they completed measures that assessed PTSD symptomatology, general psychological distress and current use of alcohol and other drugs. Lastly, they completed a personality measure. The study did not find that trauma exposure, type of trauma, or number of traumas was associated with alcohol or drug use. The findings were inconsistent with prior literature. Several possibilities were attributed to this and included: traumatic events that college students experienced were below the threshold needed to produce symptoms of substance abuse; problematic patterns of substance abuse were likely to emerge several years after the event; and drinking in college was largely determined by social circumstances. Recommendations are presented for both therapists and researchers. References


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