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Relapse Prevention With Sex Offenders: Practice, Theory and Research

NCJ Number
Criminal Behavior and Mental Health Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Dated: 2001 Pages: 38-54
Gilles Launay
Date Published
17 pages
This article assesses the technique of relapse prevention (RP) as applied to sex offending in a treatment program for sex offenders at the Rochester Prison (England).
The purpose of the Rochester RP program is to refine and strengthen skills gained in the prison's sex offender treatment program. The objective of the program is to teach prisoners to recognize the chain of events that lead up to their current offenses and to practice strategies to interrupt this chain. Stopping an undesired behavior and maintaining abstinence are two different problems. RP aims to address the maintenance problems. At the center of RP theory is a study of the conditions that can turn lapse into relapse. Yet RP has been criticized as a lot of jargon that says very little. Ward and Hudson criticize RP constructs and their interaction. Such debates have few implications for clinical work, and most of the criticism does not take into account clinical experience. Risk factors for sex offenders are being identified. Local evaluation of the Rochester program suggests that prisoners do learn to identify risk factors and to develop coping strategies. As yet, however, there is no empirical evidence regarding whether or not RP works. A way to improve the efficacy of an RP program may be to augment it with additional modules, for example, behavior therapy, drug treatment, continued work with the same prison staff, and relaxation training. This assessment concluded that RP theory was sound in essence, but suffered from an overlay of cumbersome vocabulary. Reliable research is emerging. 90 references