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Rehabilitation in the New Machine? Exploring Drug and Alcohol Use and Variables Related to Success Among DUI Offenders Under Electronic Monitoring: Some Preliminary Outcome Results

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 44 Issue: 3 Dated: June 2000 Pages: 293-311
Kevin E. Courtright; Bruce L. Berg; Robert J. Mutchnick
Date Published
June 2000
19 pages
Data from two groups of offenders convicted of driving under the influence in Pennsylvania formed the basis of a comparison of differences in drug and alcohol consumption in offenders who went to jail and offenders placed under house arrest with electronic monitoring, as well as variables related to success in electronic monitoring.
The probation department in this rural community in Pennsylvania implemented the program of house arrest with electronic monitoring in the fall of 1992. The program’s treatment component included 1.5 hours of court-mandated treatment and education per week for 8 weeks for most drunk driving offenders. The current study included all 57 drunk driving offenders laced into the electronic monitoring program between October 1, 1992 and October 1, 1993. The comparison group had not experienced electronic monitoring, but had completed or been involved with a treatment/counseling component. The data analysis used both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed differences in drug and alcohol consumption; the differences were not significant. However, cross-tabulation tables and chi-squares revealed that employment and successful attendance at treatment were significantly related to success while on electronic monitoring. Findings indicated the importance of both variables in the selection and supervision process. Tables, notes, and 42 references (Author abstract modified)