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Rehabilitation of Institutionalized Children - A Case Study

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Social Work Volume: 46 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1985) Pages: 231-242
S P Punalekar
Date Published
11 pages
The ultimate objective of any institutional service is rehabilitation, i.e., to resettle the inmates in a wider society.
This means provision of skills and competence to the inmates, within the institutional setting, to equip them to face the outer world when they leave. Thus, there is a close link between voluntary action and rehabilitation. What is the nature of these linkages? This is an important question from the standpoint of social welfare policy. One of the ways of eliciting information on this question is to contact the ex-inmates themselves and ascertain their perceptions and experiences. The present paper is an exploratory exercise in this direction. It is a case study of 49 ex-inmates from 11 Child Welfare Institutions (CWIs) in Gujarat. The discussion is divided into three sections: (i) Socio-economic background of the ex-inmates and their institutional experience, (ii) their post-institutional life, and (iii) their suggestions on institutional programs and services. (Author abstract)