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Registry of Randomized Criminal Justice Experiments in Sanctions: A User's Guide to the Machine-Readable Files and Documentation and Original Codebook

NCJ Number
D Weisburd; L Sherman; A Petrosino
Date Published
90 pages
These volumes provide background and coding information for a data set from a study in which researchers collected information on 76 randomized experiments involving criminal justice sanctions.
The researchers classified the experiments into three categories: (1) those comparing a sanction with no sanction or a more severe sanction with a less severe sanction, (2) those measuring the effects of alternative sanctions that are difficult to arrange in terms of severity, and (3) those examining the effects of coercive treatments that supplement traditional sanctions. The studies were drawn from a range of publications, took place in several states and countries, and used a variety of experimental methods. The data file contains 99 variables. Topics include descriptions of the participants' ages and other characteristics, the nature of the offense and its accompanying sanction, the race and sex composition of the samples, the procedures, the outcomes, and the results of a reanalysis of each study. Tables and coding information