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Regaining a Sense of Community and Order

NCJ Number
J J M vanDijk
Date Published
23 pages
This review of victimization research reported at the 1985 Criminological Research Conference of the European Committee on Crime Problems focuses on the public's concern about crime, the fear of crime, and issues pertaining to crime victims' experiences.
The report indicates that victim research has distinguished between concern about rising crime rates and personal fear of crime. Concern about crime is not necessarily accompanied by the feeling of being personally threatened by crime. The report discusses the policy views of persons concerned about crime, particularly regarding sentencing preferences. A review of research on the fear of crime examines factors that foster such fear, particularly aspects of neighborhood disorder or incivility that can best be countered by community organization and informal social control. A summary of research pertaining to victims' experiences addresses the value of victim surveys, victim reports to the police, victim support schemes (volunteer advocates who provide short-term crisis services), and victim involvement in case processing. Also considered is research on victim compensation schemes, assessment of victims' needs, and victim services. 13-item bibliography.