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Reflections on Risk, Anti-Social Behaviour and Vulnerable/Repeat Victims

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Dated: September 2013 Pages: 805-823
Jane Donoghue
Date Published
September 2013
19 pages
This article theorizes the adoption of risk assessment practices to inform criminal justice responses to 'vulnerable' and repeat victims of anti-social behavior.
This article theorizes the adoption of risk assessment practices to inform criminal justice responses to 'vulnerable' and repeat victims of anti-social behavior. Evidence suggests that some police forces have become highly risk-averse which has had consequences for the way in which minor incivilities have come to be viewed as perpetually requiring a formal police response. However, the development of victim risk assessment has also been very effective in enabling agencies to determine 'high-risk' victims with clarity and speed. It is argued that, rather than viewing risk in hegemonic terms, more attention ought to be given to conceptualizing risk in terms of the new opportunities it presents not simply for refining and improving the delivery of services, but also for the ways in which risk enables victims to develop new parameters of victimhood, and to subvert the traditional dominance of politics/policy in acting as primary definers on understanding(s) and accepted knowledge(s) of victimization and vulnerability. (Published Abstract)

