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NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 63 Issue: 3 Dated: (March 1994) Pages: 15-19
R Bobinsky
Date Published
5 pages
Community policing is discussed.
This article discusses the Community-Oriented Policing (COP) program in a neighborhood in Bensenville, Illinois. The centerpiece of the COP program is the Police- Neighborhood Resource Center (PNRC) located in a townhouse in the target area which was renovated into a satellite police and neighborhood office. The author, a police officer working at the PNRC, describes his experiences working with the PNRC. After being initially reluctant to become involved in community policing, he relates that he has been impressed with the impact the PNRC has had on reducing crime in the neighborhood and on improving relations with gangs in the area. The PNRC also has enhanced the relationship between the police department and area residents and improved communication between neighborhood and county officials. A brief description of other community policing programs is provided. The author cautions that each police department contemplating the adoption of a COP program should tailor its program to the specific needs of the community and not merely copy programs employed in other police departments.