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Reduction of Pretrial Delay: Demonstration Project

NCJ Number
L R Katz
Date Published
121 pages
Demonstration projects involving procedural changes designed to reduce pretrial delays in felony cases in New Haven, Conn., Norfolk, Va., and Salt Lake City were evaluated in terms of their effects on delays.
The demonstrations involved prosecutorial screening and early disposition of felony cases through the use of a conference between prosecutors and defense attorneys as soon as feasible after a defendant was arrested. Case data from 1973 to 1975 were analyzed. Results showed that the revised procedures can improve the speed of dispositions of felony and serious misdemeanor cases. The revised procedures reduced the average time from the date of arrest to disposition from 91 days to 51 days in New Haven and the proportion of cases resolved within 30 days increased from 17 percent to 50 percent. However, the procedures had no effect on processing times in the other two cities. Results indicated that the attitudes of the personnel involved and the quality of agency leadership determined the program impact. Tables, figures, and report of an independent evaluator