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Reducing Violence Using Community-Based Advocacy for Women With Abusive Partners

NCJ Number
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Volume: 67 Issue: 1 Dated: February 1999 Pages: 43-53
Cris M. Sullivan; Deborah I. Bybee
Date Published
11 pages
This article describes an intensive community-based advocacy intervention to reduce violence for women with abusive partners.
The intervention was designed and evaluated by randomly assigning 278 battered women to an experimental or control condition. Participants were interviewed 6 times over a period of 2 years. Retention rate averaged 95 percent over the 2 years. The 10-week postshelter intervention provided trained advocates to work one-on-one with women, helping generate and access the community resources they needed to reduce their risk of future violence from their abusive partners. Women who worked with advocates experienced less violence over time, had a better quality of life and more social support and had less difficulty obtaining community resources. More than twice as many women receiving advocacy services experienced no violence across the 2 years postintervention compared with women who did not receive such services. Notes, tables, figures, references