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Reducing School Crime and Student Misbehavior: A Problem-Solving Strategy

NCJ Number
R J Rubel; N L Ames
Date Published
132 pages
Based upon school demonstration programs sponsored by the National Institute of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education, this book instructs school administrators in a program strategy for addressing crime on school grounds and how to obtain technical assistance resources for the implementation of such a program.
The demonstration program, which involves 44 schools in 3 school districts, encourages school personnel and community members to work together to help reduce school crime and student misbehavior. A key element of the program is an information management system designed to track the incidence of misbehavior and crime in school. The information obtained identifies weaknesses in the school disciplinary system so resources may target these weaknesses. This problemsolving strategy can be directed at districtwide concerns, school-based problems, and the individual classroom environment. This book first presents national statistics on the nature and extent of school-based crime and student misbehavior. It then discusses the etiology and characteristics of school crime. Another section outlines steps for the diagnosis and action against school crime and misbehavior and delineates the responsibilities of officials at each level in the hierarchy of the educational system. The remainder of the book details the initiatives school administrators can take to achieve a safe and secure learning environment, using the lessons learned from the demonstration projects. Appended resources and program materials