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Reducing Custody for Juveniles: The DHSS Intermediate Treatment Initiative: Report of the Department of Health and Social Security Conference Held on February 3, 1989

NCJ Number
Date Published
39 pages
A 1989 conference discussed an effort by the Department of Health and Social Security in Great Britain to reduce the use of both incarceration and residential care for juvenile offenders and to replace these approaches with effective and realistic community-based programs.
The Intermediate Treatment Initiative was created in 1983 and funded 110 projects, many of which have made the main contribution to reducing the number of custodial dispositions since 1983. These programs provide intensive supervised activities for young offenders. In many of the areas served by these projects, custodial dispositions are rarely used. The projects are operated by voluntary organizations which have established innovative projects and have helped plan interagency responses to juvenile delinquency. The conference discussed the initiative's development and operation, the role of the cooperation among public and private agencies in the program's success, cost issues, and potential impacts on recidivism.