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Redefining the Boundaries of Mental Health Services: A Holistic Approach to Inmate Mental Health

NCJ Number
Federal Probation Volume: 56 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1992) Pages: 57-63
M M Severson
Date Published
7 pages
A holistic approach to redefining and expanding the boundaries of mental health services is proposed.
Minimally, 10 services and/or functions need to be included in a holistic mental wellness program. The list, which is not exhaustive, provides an introduction to the concept of a true interdisciplinary approach to mental health services. For each service/function, the traditional boundaries that have kept mental health practitioners separate from other professionals employed in an institution must be extended or eliminated. The 10 services/functions are: (1) communication, that is, a regular sharing of information among correctional staff about the changes that are occurring within the inmate population; (2) medical services; (3) attention to environmental conditions; (4) correctional employee training; (5) employee education; (6) classification; (7) work/academic/vocational programming; (8) visitation; (9) employee counseling; and (10) administrative support. Guidelines are provided for implementing the holistic approach. 55 notes