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Recovering From Sexual Abuse, Addictions, and Compulsive Behaviors: "Numb" Suvivors

NCJ Number
Sandra Knauer
Date Published
394 pages
This book examines the healing and recovery processes of adolescent survivors of sexual, drug, alcohol, and food abuse, highlighting these as part of the reason that adolescents develop various addictions and compulsive behaviors.
This book presents an in-depth analysis of the process of adolescents healing and recovering from sexual abuse and the varied addictions and compulsive behaviors that often accompany such abuse. After discussing how adolescent survivors of sexual abuse use drugs, alcohol, sex, and engage in various compulsive behaviors in order to “numb” the emotional pain of abuse, this author presents steps in recognizing the origins of addictive behaviors and outlines the process for recovery and healing. Drawing on her work with a weekly adolescent survivors group, this author begins by discussing the reasons sexual abuse survivors need to anesthetize themselves from emotional pain. Through case studies, this author explains the nature of addiction and the reasons why survivors may not have choices other than to turn to addictions and compulsive behaviors. Assessing the families of sexual abuse survivors, this book argues that the families of survivors are dysfunctional in ways that go beyond the sexual abuse. This author contends that these dysfunctional families set the stage for additions and compulsive behaviors. Contributing to why sexual abuse survivors turn to addictions and compulsive behaviors is that the sexual abuse often makes these adolescents feeling flawed, dirty, and ashamed. After discussing how depression and sexual abuse go hand in hand, this author argues that the fear associated with sexual abuse may be a catalyst for both abusive behaviors and violent outbursts by the survivors. Turning to specific types of addictions and compulsive behaviors, this book addresses alcohol, drugs, distorted body images, codependency, sexual, and religious addictions as ways to numb the pain of sexual abuse. Focusing on the recovery process, this author describes the establishment of healthy boundaries, using spirituality to help survivors cope and recover, and using the “Twelve Step” program to aid in healing. Bibliography, Index


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