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Reconceptualizing Organizational Change in the Comprehensive Gang Model

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Dated: March/April 2010 Pages: 166-173
Erika Gebo; Carolyn Boyes-Watson; Sayra Pinto-Wilson
Date Published
March 2010
8 pages
Relying on concepts from management theory, this article identifies what is seen as a necessary reconceptualization of organizational change in the Comprehensive Gang Model (CGM).
Organizational change and development is one of the cornerstones of successful crime prevention and intervention efforts, yet it has received little empirical attention in the areas of crime and justice. This lack of empirical attention extends to the national Comprehensive Gang Model (CGM), which explicitly states that organizational change and development is a key strategy. Borrowing concepts from the management field, the authors argue that the CGM should be reconceptualized so that the organizational change and development is the foundation upon which other strategies are built. Application of this re-specified model is demonstrated through a case study in central Massachusetts utilizing learning communities as a vehicle to obtain sustainable change. Assessment of the organizational change and development is also discussed. Figure, note, and references (Published Abstract)


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