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Recommendations for Prevention of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Transmission in Health-Care Settings

NCJ Number
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Volume: 36 Issue: 25 Dated: (August 1987) Pages: 3S-18S
M B Gregg
Date Published
16 pages
Recommendations for preventing the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in health care settings emphasis that workers should regard all patients as potentially infected and adhere rigorously to infection control procedures for minimmizing the risk of exposure to blood and body fluids.
Universal precautions for all health care workers include use of gloves and other barriers when touching blood or body fluids, nonintact skin, or mucous membranes of all patients; washing after contact with blood and body fluids; and avoidance of injuries from needles or other sharp instruments. Additional recommendations cover precautions for invasive procedures, for dentistry, and for dialysis treatment of HIV-infected patients. Recommendations for preventing transmission in the workplace generally also are provided. Sterilization and disinfection procedures and guidelines for decontaminating blood and body fluid spills are given. Serologic testing for HIV in patients and health care workers is discussed, and management of workers exposed to possible infection is considered. 2 tables and 37 references.