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Recommendations for the 21st Century

NCJ Number
Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Dated: (1991) Pages: 39-50
Date Published
12 pages
The article presents the summaries of the discussion of each of the group sessions at the conference on child protection services in the 21st century.
The makeup of the groups included professionals from a variety of disciplines and from a variety of geographic backgrounds. The groups are law/law enforcement, medical/nursing discipline, mental health, prevention/community advocacy, and social work. The five group sessions are broken down into two sections each: emotional abuse/neglect and physical/sexual abuse. Each section lists the items of current practice which should be preserved into the 21st century because they are working well now. Each section then lists the items to be changed, expanded, or developed by the 21st century. Due to little editing, the recommendations are presented as they came from the groups, and some may contradict each other.